Company Overview
Ray Research and Consulting Pvt Ltd is India’s growing business house serving global customers across Financial services, IT Sectors, Healthcare sectors, and Realestate sectors.
Founded by Amiya Samantaray & Alok Samantaray on 2011. It has started operation in Mumbai. Now the operation arm extended to Bangalore, KSA, UAE, EGYPT, APAC and USA.
RAYRC is having an extended range of products and services in finance sector as well as IT sector. In finance sector, we provide various financial services which include Venture capital, Research & advisor, Valuation Tool, Market Analysis etc.
In IT sector, we have in-house IT products such as Hospital Solutions, HR modules & Payroll solutions, Financial & Accounting Solutions, Law & Info system Solutions, Fleet Management Solutions, Business Management Solutions etc.
Having aspiration to be one of the leading investment Bank and IT power house.
RAYRC future roadmap include, investment into countries which have recently poised for new business opportunity, evolved due to economic restructure across.

Amiya Samantaray
Director & Founder
Around Twenty One years of experience in IT industry. Loads of experience and calculated aggression are the strongest assets for his business journey. Ambitions with open bracket make him go for the opportunities around world as it evolves according to time.
An MBA, MFC from Nagpur University and then the journey into IT sector started from executive level to top level and currently owning stakes in multiple IT companies as an Entrepreneur. He has taken many initiatives and eventually landed with multiple successful endeavour.
As Founder & Director of Ray Research, he took the responsibility of overall marketing and challenged himself to go Global in least time.

Alok Samantaray
MD & Founder
Around Twelve years of experience in financial field, including over Six year as entrepreneur. After completion MMS (Finance) from Mumbai University, started his business journey with core expertise in Valuation, Merger & Acquisitions, Venture capital and Portfolio Management.
Experienced in multiple ventures with taste of both success as well as few failure are emerged as steps to move forward. As founder and director, he has some ambitious targets to create conglomeration in Real Estate, Finance and IT services under one umbrella “RAYRC Group”.