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Need of balance between organic and inorganic economy.


In previous article, I had mentioned about the inequality resulted from capitalist driven polices and highlighted, how the mainstream political parties always get funded by capitalists and later influenced the policy making in their favour. Its need of the hour to question practiced polices, as over the period of flawed polices practice resulted social imbalance to insurmountable level, thus large section of people are living in distressed condition. This has to be checked and corrective action has to be implemented before it burst and sabotage harmony all across.

Since start of Industrial era in last 300 years, the face of economy changing drastically. During this continuous change, there are many policies created and practiced over period, which were flawed as it had failed to consider long term consequences and its impact on Human civilization as whole and add to further, this new regime of technology era, which poised for new set of consequences to already imbalanced ecosystem.

Let’s have an overview of this economy shifting since pre – Industrial era, when Organic economy driven by agrarian system started to lose its strength to Inorganic economy due to perennially constrained its capacity for economic growth. In organic economy, drew nearly all its energy from plants, the source of our food, fuel, fiber and other raw materials. This system only used organic instruments, men and animals, for converting the energy captured by plants into mechanical energy. These organic instruments did not favour growth since their upkeep required large amounts of land, and their efficiency at converting energy could scarcely be improved upon. The new inorganic economy that developed in eighteenth century, transcended limits that constrained growth in the organic economy. It drew its energy and raw materials increasingly from stocks of minerals, and since these stocks were quite large relative to the rate at which they could be drawn down, this virtually lifted the cap on energy flows available to the economy. The energy revolution had created a new economic dynamics. The engine of growth in this economy was capital accumulation, since this determined how fast it could expand the stock of energy-converting and energy-using machines available to the economy. These profound changes created new classes and class conflicts. The machines and their capitalist proprietors now employed the workers. In addition, since the new energy created concentrations of factories, it also assembled great masses of workers in one workplace. These conditions favoured the growth of class consciousness on both sides of the production process and as result the process of inequality move in accelerated pace as normal distribution process took new dimension.

Further the industrial economy deepened the polarizing tendencies in the agrarian system. In addition, the technology booms created new class. Now, the fresh threats in form of Artificial intelligence to further polarize the work force and we will witness renewed form of conflict as result.

Issue is deep and even getting deeper. Overhaul of Inorganic economy not only created imbalance amongst human civilization but endangered its existence, as energy revolution lead huge climate change resulted “global warming” poised as new threat. Pushing organic economy is need of the hour. The new laws and policies have to be framed with understanding larger issues including climate change. Time to change and worry about 90% of people, not 2% people who possess 80% of world wealth. Balanced organic and inorganic economy, solution to this plague called “inequality” and it also can fix the growing danger in form of “Global warming” which, potentially can extinct the civilization itself.

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